Tuesday, January 24, 2012

But what is love without lust?

Woah. i wrote this below exactly one year ago and never posted it for some reason. sometimes i think i am brilliant. ;) enjoy :)


been pondering about the difference between lust and love.

some people have said to me "oh thats not love, thats just lust." like lust isnt a valid true honest form of love and that you shouldnt get confused with just physical attraction compatibility compared to love/romance.

but i have been thinking. how can you even have love without lust? who made up that rule? and yes i am aware of the love we have for our children, family and animals is a love without lust, but i am talking about the physical feeling/emotion you share with someone when you are intimate with them.

i read that one person thinks that there must be lust. Love is nice, but you must want that person in every way, ie - lusting.

Lust means an intense longing, a craving, intense or unbridled sexual desire, pleasure and delight.

Lust is nature's way of bringing the opposite sexes together to mate. In fact, without lust, it's doubtful that love would have a chance to prosper at all. So if we are physically attracted to someone and lust for them just like nature intended us to be, then why do some relationships sometimes not work with such a key instinctual element all good and set to go?

would you consider lust some sort of sexual bond? in this case, bond meaning an attractive force that holds together or a binding agreement? can it be so simple as an set physically attracted agreement and from there all you really need to do is work on the easy parts like compatibility? (if that is an easy part)

i mean you certainly can be compatible with someone and dont want to have sex with them and definitely dont lust after them. but how can we lust with with someone and not be compatible in other aspects?

some would say the difference between love and lust boils down to compatible brain styles. but if the brain is telling your body and hormones from lust that this is right, feels right, looks right, then how could the brain not automatically calculate that as love as well?

we would like to think we are smart and have evolved from just baby making machines and i do believe we have, but maybe lust leads to love? its something we cant explain, our bodies and minds just tell us its right. so if someone feels and looks good, what happens after that? dont just tell me it either works or doesnt. cause our bodies are telling us its right. we were designed to know when it feels right.

does lifestyle, education, religion, morals and viewpoints, etc weigh out to be more important than what our internal natural lust detector tells us? would one actually not consider a future partner they have been lusting with because of these differences? when our are bodies and brains were already designed to detect a lust match instantly and easily?

i am not siding with one view or the other. merely pondering about the science behind it all. why do we fight what feels natural to us? has society really shaped us to go against what naturally feels right (at least in this context)?

interesting stuff and on a side note -

i like this quote someone said and it has nothing to do with lust :)

"There is only one love, that is love for ones spirit. And when we see that spirit in another person, we love, we give, we detach while attach."

i like it and it has nothing to do about lust! aaaaaggghhh!!!! :/ ?!*?!