Monday, September 27, 2010


had an amazing photoshoot with the so talented Victoria Ann Zeoli and an AMAZING hair AND makeup artist Angelica Chrysler

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

some asanas august 2010

thought i would capture some asanas to look back and see my growth

september 2010 i graduated from bujapidasana, here you can see where i was at before (notice my feet not tucked in), then my back urdhva dhanurasana (back bend)and sirsasana A/B (headstand)

i love yoga so much! i started ashtanga vinyasa yoga at the yoga shala in winter park march or april 2010. it has changed my life and i very grateful for it and all that i have met along. there is so much love connected to it that its hard to explain...

Avalon Staff trying to still dance...

lol, we had to put together a quick piece for a promotional thing out at universal. here is a recording of one of our rehearsals :)

tegan and sara love

i choreographed this piece for my lyrical jazz class awhile back. wanted to record it, so i would remember it :)

i added on...

added on to the lyrical piece...