I'm so in love. In love with life, my friends, family and all the beauty that surrounds me.
This morning, after leaving my yoga practice. I thought, wow. I feel so amazing. Sure, waking up early isn't always easy, but I know how sensational I will feel after practice.
I won't go into detail about all the health and healing benefits yoga can give you, but I wanted to share and try to explain how I feel about my Hatha Ashtanga(Mysore) yoga practice I get from The Yoga Shala in Winter Park. I can't explain it all; for its very personal, but below are some aspects of why I adore my practice.
"Practicing builds strength of character, confidence, self-esteem, will power and building your inner fire. As your practice becomes stronger, you become stronger. And you take that strength off the mat and into your daily life. With each session on your mat, you are building the strength to break through old habits and past conditioning.
Yoga feels so good you will want to return to your mat. The self-discipline evolves out of your practice, not the other way around. The self -discipline you are evolving on your mat will flow into your daily life.
It fuels the desire within us to reach for our highest potential. Constant effort and self-discipline is required to feed the fire.
The desire to create, experience and to expand is an innate part of each one of us. When we tap into our passions but don’t have the discipline to commit to them, we become internally conflicted or complacent. Whether our goal is a good relationship, a strong healthy body, a new home, a successful business, or to create art, we must tap into this fire; the gut desire to remain steady and focused on the goal. When our will is strong we make choices that lead us toward our higher purpose rather than instant gratification or immediate comfort. It is our passion and desire for self-evolution and transformation that will keep us committed. "
My Hatha Ashtanga (Mysore) yoga practice at The Yoga Shala in Winter Park has truly changed me. I am so very grateful that I can practice at such an amazing studio with even more amazing instructors. I'm also grateful for the friends I have made for life from The Shala.
I constantly rave about the studio to all my friends, acquaintances and people I just meet.
Being present with the challenges and successes - now that is something to experience daily.
Having commitment issues? Can't find the balance? Just give it a try. And when you do, you can honestly say you are giving yourself the best gift you have ever received.
More info about The Yoga Shala in Winter Park
Namaste :)